영어 교사 격언

1, 학생을 교육한다. 사랑에서 출발하면 사랑은 매우 오래 지속되고 깊은 감정이다.

teaching students to start with love is a kind of lasting and deep feeling.

2, 학생들에게 지혜를 드러낼 기회를 주고

the opportunity to show wisdom is given to students, and the eyes of appreciation are distributed to each student. <

a student without a teacher is like life without sunshine.

4, 학고 교사

learning high is a teacher.

5, 정원사로서 모든 꽃이 만개할 이유가 있다고 확신합니다.

As a gardener, I firmly believe that every flower has its reasons for being blooming.


genius is nothing but labour and diligence.

7, 본진교사, 본색언어 교육, 세기 인재 교육.

To be a true teacher, to teach Chinese and cultivate talents of the century.

8, 간단한 일을 철저히 해라

do the simple things thoroughly, make the ordinary things classic, and do every little thing better.

willing to take the wind and break the waves, talk about ten years.

10, 가장 가치 있는 지식은 방법에 대한 지식이다.

the most valuable knowledge is knowledge about methods.

11, 아이들의 손을 잡고 하루를 즐겁게 맞이해!

take the children's hands and greet each day with joy.

12, 다른 사람의 즐거움을 위해 일해야 자신의 완벽에 도달할 수 있다.

work for others' pleasures can reach their own perfection.

13, 모든 아이들이 교육의 아름다움을 느낄 수 있도록 지식의 바다 속에서

let every child appreciate the beauty of education and travel in the sea of knowledge.


To be a child's teacher, be a child's friend first.

15, 선생님이 어리둥절하고 학생이 어리둥절하다.

When the teacher is confused, students are confused.

16, 진정한 교사들은 자신의 나쁜 습관과 학생들을 막기 위해 최선을 다합니다.

real teachers try their best to prevent their bad habits from going to students.

17, 배운 지식 자료

interest in knowledge materials may bee a motivational agent.

18, 교사는 학생들에게 인도자 같은 형제자매이다.

teacher is a guide brother and sis ter to the students, and a double guide for the wisdom of the mind.


let students publicize their individuality and let fly the imaginary spring.

20, 좋은 도덕성이 필요합니다

a good moral character must have "students in mind" and "student positions".


a great deal of reading and accumulation of knowledge in childhood, like a puter dictionary, are easy to carry and use

On the journey of life, morality, wisdom and career will be acpanied by rain or shine and glory.


teacher Shi aiyi is been strict love and wide love.

24, 성실한 배려 하나 이상, 활동하지 않는 비난 감소.

More sincere care, less ineffective condemnation.

25, 아이를 잘 돌보고, 아이를 잘 받아들이고, 마음을 다해 체험한다.

pay close attention to the children, accept the children with your heart, and experience the children with your heart

it is the highest teaching skill to teach students how to acquire new knowledge with the help of existing knowledge.

the man who can be a teacher today must be an extraordinary man; For education itself is an extraordinary business.

28, 관용이 아닌 관용, 명령이 아닌 유도입니다.

Tolerance, not conniving, is inducement rather than mand.

29, 모든 학생은 금이며 교사의 세심한 배려를 받고 있다

Every student is a gold, in the teacher's meticulous care, wisdom inspiration, energy click, can shick

letting go of a child's life is like stopping the circulation of blood and preventing children from building up their phyy

only if the students like you first, will the students like your lessons.

32, 교사 성장 없음

without the growth of teachers, it is impossible for students to grow up.

33, 학생들의 내면의 존경과 그리움을 얻다

winning the respect and yearning of students is the greatest happiness of teachers.

34, 대중만

only when the masses and teachers first see the advantages of students, can students bee motivated.


friendliness is acpanied by children, and he sees love spilling all over the world.


Please *** ile when you call, the other person will feel it.


if a teacher can't gain the respect and love of his students, it's better to let him leave the educational post'

the art of teaching lies not in the ability to impart, but in arousing, arousing and inspiring.


gardeners who are diligent in watering and fertilizing young seedlings will eventually have a wonderful spring.

cultivating people is the way to cultivate his future and pleasure.

41, 고귀한 도덕성을 가진 교사는

a teacher with noble morality must be a teacher who teaches students in accordance with their aptitude and treats each student

I would like to use my own hands to describe the beautiful scenery of life and shape their beautiful mind for their students ..

education is a process of encouraging personal development.its essence is to guide students to explore and find out by ty

Education is an art, it stresses the munication of the mind, it needs the joyful heart and the wisdom love.

it is the teacher who guides people and tireless in teaching.


Enjoy the humanities class, enjoy the dynamic classroom, enjoy the wisdom classroom.

For teachers, self-cultivation is the carrier of education, the realm is the starting point of education,, 남보다 공부를 잘하는 능력이 있어야 한다.

have the ability to learn faster than teachers.have the ability to learn better than others.

the greatest happiness of teachers is to send a group of children to the other side of the ideal.


he who believes in his teacher believes in his ways, but does not follow his principles.

51 >

teachers are the most brilliant occupation in the sun, and the * * * iling faces of children are the most brillianns 가자, 즐거워!

Teach, feel, walk, be happy!

53, 생명은 운동에 있다. 아이들이 활동에서 즐거움을 얻을 수 있게 하는 것이 나의 가장 큰 소원이다.

Life is movement, and it is my greatest wish to let children enjoy their activities.


be honest and be practical.

55, 사랑은 전제 조건이며 규칙을 엄정한다. 존중으로 신뢰를 얻고 지혜로 지혜를 발화시키다.

Love is the premise, strict rules, win the trust with respect, and kindle wisdom with wisdom.

上篇: 리그 오브 레전드 잠금 화면을 잠금 해제하는 방법 下篇: Lenovo 마더보드 Butian A6900을 켜면 연속으로 4번 경고음이 울립니다. 이유는 무엇입니까?
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