컴퓨터 지식 네트워크 - 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 - if I were a little waterdrop ... 이라는 제목으로, (내가 작은 물방울이라면 ...) 영어 작문을 쓰고,

if I were a little waterdrop ... 이라는 제목으로, (내가 작은 물방울이라면 ...) 영어 작문을 쓰고,

If I were a little waterdrop, I would gather all my brothers and sisters to turn the deserts into oasis. if I were a litts I would join the water power station to make myself useful.if I were a little water drop, I would go to places which have droughts to help crops grow wonderfully.and if I were a little water drop, I would really appreciate you for kees

if every one starts protecting the environment today, more and more happy water drops will make the earth heathier and heher

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